Half of Sudan requires aid to survive, yet the world has given the UN only 12% of the funding it needs.


Sudan requires aid:

On Friday, the United Nations issued a warning that “famine is closing in” and that only 12% of the $2.7 billion needed for Sudan’s war-torn country had been received.

Since the fight between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began in April 2023, tens of thousands of people have died and millions have been displaced in Sudan.

Since the conflict between the army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) began in April 2023, tens of thousands of people have killed and millions have been displaced in Sudan


“It is a severely underfunded appeal. Without more resources coming in quickly, humanitarian organizations will be unable to scale up in time to avoid starvation and severe hardship,” Jens Laerke, spokesman for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told the media.

“In Sudan, half of the population, 25 million people, require humanitarian assistance. Famine is approaching. Diseases are closing in. “The fighting is closing in on civilians, particularly in Darfur.”

Concerns about violent fighting in populous areas have intensified in recent days as the RSF strives to seize control of El-Fasher, the only major city in western Darfur that it does not currently control.

“Now is the time for donors to follow through on their pledges, to step up and help Sudan, and to be a part of changing the current trajectory that is leading to the cliff’s edge.” Don’t go missing in action.”

“In Sudan, half of the population, 25 million people, require humanitarian assistance. Famine is approaching. Diseases are closing in. “The fighting is closing in on civilians, particularly in Darfur.”

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