Was Imran Khan’s jailed existence “solitary”? Pakistani government gives images and details


Was Imran Khan’s jailed existence “solitary”? Pakistani government gives images and details

On Thursday, the government provided the Supreme Court with information about Imran Khan‘s living circumstances while incarcerated. Khan is the former prime minister of Pakistan. “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela was one of the books in his cell.
Khan objected to being held in solitary confinement without access to his lawyers last week in court.

Imran Khan
Imran Khan’s attorneys remained steadfast in their assertion that their client had suffered maltreatment and made it clear that the pictures showed the cell in which he was being confined in isolation.

The government reply contained a list of friends, family, lawyers, and party members who have seen Imran Khan since his imprisonment in August of last year.

Hundreds of additional cases that he and his party believe are politically motivated to thwart his return to power must also be fought.The 71-year-old former cricket star is serving a jail sentence for corruption.

The application included pictures of the barracks and information about his monthly visits that were noted in the jail registration, and the government asked the court to designate a judicial officer to verify the facts.

Imran Khan’s defenders remained steadfast in their assertion that their client had suffered maltreatment, adding that the pictures showed the cell in which he was being detained in isolation.

In response to the submission, his party stated, “It is a contradiction to the claim that a former prime minister is entitled to an A class cell with an air-conditioned room & a helper to attend to the errands.”

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