Alexander De Croo, the prime minister of Belgium, resigns following electoral defeat.


Alexander De Croo, the prime minister of Belgium, resigns following electoral defeat.

Alexander De Croo, the prime minister of Belgium, announced his resignation following election defeat.

Elections to the European Parliament and for federal and regional administrations were held on “Super Sunday” in Belgium. Following the defeat in each of these elections for his Flemish Liberals and Democrats party (Open VLD), De Croo stated on Sunday that he would be stepping down.

The principal legislative body of the 27-nation European Union (EU) is the European Parliament. Right-wing parties had a spike in support during the June 6–9 elections, while it is anticipated that moderates would maintain their majority.

Alexander De Croo, the prime minister of Belgium, resigns following electoral defeat.
Elections for the European Parliament and federal and regional administrations were held on “Super Sunday” in Belgium.

It’s an especially challenging evening for us. We were defeated. Following the defeat, De Croo declared, “I will step down as prime minister as of tomorrow.”

According to DW News, De Croo’s Open VLD suffered a “heavy defeat” in the federal and regional elections in Belgium and is expected to lose half of its seats.

According to the EU website, De Croo’s Open VLD received just 5.51% of the vote in the elections held in the EU, placing it in 10th place. First place went to the far-right VB with 13.86 votes, followed by the right-wing New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) with 13.37 percent, the Reformist Movement (MR) with 13.58 votes, and the far-right VB with 13.86 votes.

In Belgium, a right-wing party wins the polls

In the federal elections held in Belgium, the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), a right-wing party, has emerged as the single largest party.

The mainstream in Belgium is relieved by this, as they had anticipated that the far-left Vlaams Belang (VB) party would emerge victorious in the polls.

According to Euronews, the VB received 15.4% of the vote, the nationalist N-VA received 18.6%, and De Croo’s Open VLD received 5.8%.

The report went on to say that the Christian Democrats CD&V, the far-left Pvda/PTB, and the left-wing Vooruit are expected to receive about 9% of the vote apiece.

Belgium is currently in the midst of difficult talks to form a new government. The nation is notorious for its protracted coalition negotiations, which have lasted longer than a year in the aftermath of the 2010 and 2019 elections. As Caretaker Prime Minister of Belgium, De Croo will hold the position until the new cabinet is formed.

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